
Farming based on permaculture principles
This scenario has as facility the farm Poderez Campaz located in Emilia Romagna Region, Italy. The farming company owner of the farm bases its activity on the principles of permaculture. Permaculture is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. Podere Campaz tries to build resilience and it will help to prepare for an uncertain future with less available energy and resources. It becomes to think create conditions to avoid waste. Principal production is wine from vineyards. In less than 10ha, Podere Campaz is dedicated to vineyards, apricot and peaches trees, berries, vegetables, aromatic herbs, lavender and medicinal herbs, saffron, olive trees. Its production is strictly organic without needs of agrochemicals and synthetic fertilizers. It has a greenhouse of about 200 square meters for vegetables crop.

Podere Campaz - Vineyard site in Italy
At the moment the farmer cannot afford to hire more personnel. And usual needs are related to know when to supply water, defend against possible pests, presence of weeds, macro and micronutrient levels, the best time to harvest, in order to improve the techniques used by Podere Campaz in order for promoting sustainability and permaculture. Permaculture is intricately related to a domain of science based on systemic approach. Systemic approach relies mainly in the control (modelling) and management (computing capabilities covering end to end processes) of information coming from complex system. Permaculture introduces a systematic approach in order to be a way to more the embrace and fuse technological progress into the biological sphere and the different components in permaculture play an important role and need to be monitored. The solution can be based on IoT and use of vehicles to improve activities and reduce human burden in the farm. From a technological point of view, implementation of sensor monitoring and actuator decision support are key roles in the scenario. In particular, it is possible to follow plants at all the stages of their life.